ErziehungskonzeptEducational ConceptErziehungskonzeptOpvoedingsconcept

Educational Concept

School education is the basis for a long-term improvement concerning people’s life situations. European Partnership – Help for Schools In Need wants to provide quick, concrete and effective assistance to the poor and uneducated children of the Third World with the help of pedagogically sensible aid programmes. Our special emphasis is on creating an atmosphere of optimism, of mutual acceptance and of joy. We want to teach with love in our schools. We are completely behind integration and an education which does not only aim for intellectual qualification, but also for an artistic, cultural and social education. We want to strengthen young peoples’ self-esteem and give them the self-confidence to take firm responsibility for a self-determined life within their chosen sphere of activity thereby fulfilling their potential.

We expect our local teams of teachers to teach their students with courtesy and respect and to help them to become independent personalities. During their education, the pupils have the chance to discover their talents and to develop potential within relatively harmonic surroundings. It is our primary aim that adolescents in the Third World realise respectable prospects for themselves and also connect them with their community’s welfare. True freedom implies continuous solidarity. The integrated concept of education implies that young people should be sensitive to the spiritual dimensions of life. To treat students with respect and to teach them without manipulating or indoctrinating them are the underlying educational principles at our schools.

European Partnership – Help for Schools In Need is committed to providing needy children with moral and valuable education, to giving them access to knowledge, skills and technologies that could improve the quality of their lives and help them shape their future.

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